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Press Release | July 30, 2024

Press Release - For Immediate Release

Safer with SCOUT Launches Reasonable Suspicion Drug & Alcohol Training Course

        With the Prevalence of Banned Substances in the Workplace New Course Has a Lot of Fans



Milwaukee WI., January, 2025 – Safer with SCOUT (Safety Culture Optimization, Understanding, & Training), the leader in PROACTIVE safety culture development is pleased to announce the latest installment to its continually expanding lineup of “mission critical” workforce risk mitigation courses.


“We’re very happy to bring the “reasonable suspicion” course to life,” said Tyler Weston, CEO & Owner of Safer with SCOUT. “It’s common knowledge that people are increasingly turning to drugs & alcohol to escape the ‘pressure cooker’ that is today’s modern world.  It only stands to reason that use of prohibited substances would wind up in the workplace; but how to identify and handle these instances?  The new “reasonable suspicion” course handles this in a detailed but understandable way, which helps to ensure a safer, more productive workplace.”


“We’re really pleased to put this out to the public,” added Dan Hanlon, Director of Training for Safer with SCOUT.  “We’ve offered this course at The Noble Group through a third-party for years, and our clients got a lot from it, but we knew we could add value by baking-in additional information that reflects the challenges of today’s modern workplace.  This is a top-tier course for anyone who wants to help make their organization and their workforce happier, safer, and more productive.”



SCOUT is the most recent initiative from Noble Six (a part of the Noble Group), which provides a full suite of safety and security protocols, risk mitigation tools such as pre- and post-hire background checks/monitoring, drug testing and diagnostics, as well as safety/security training. For more information about Safer with SCOUT, please visit and for more information about NobleSix,

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